
Robots playing Blitzkrieg Bop

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First of all let us say: We at monochromatic.cc welcome our future robot overlords.

We are lucky that, at least for now, present day robots are satisfied with building cars, disarming bombs, vacuuming our houses and … playing some heavy metal.

This might be the answer to the question, what robots do in their spare time. Admittedly, the formation of robot band Compressorhead was no decision made by its three musicians but by Berlin artist Frank Barnes who built the robots specifically for the purpose to rock.

Compressorhead performing "Blitzkrieg Bop" by the Ramones

Barnes obviously did not try too hard to mimic the human body with his robots: drummer Stickboy got two extra arms to hit the beat and guitarist Fingers got 78(!) hydraulic fingers. The latest addition to the band was bass-playing robot Bones.

For more videos with Compressorhead visit their website.